3 Tips for Safe Biohazardous and Medical Waste Removal

Establishing a medical business is a good idea. If you’re a healthcare professional, this can be a great way to give back to the community. It’s a great way to promote health and wellness while generating revenue. It can also provide jobs to those who need them.

While it may be a rewarding experience to leverage your career, you must also know how to operate it properly. Understanding the proper medical waste removal methods is an important part of this. This step is essential to protecting your establishment from health hazards and potential legal trouble. It will also help reduce negative impacts on the environment.

Managing the disposal of biohazardous waste is a crucial responsibility if you want to be a responsible medical business owner, this article will provide tips for safe biohazardous and medical waste removal.

1. Understand All Applicable Disposal Regulations

Businesses must strictly follow the guidelines and governmental regulations for medical waste removal to protect public health and safety. You should also remember that storing or discarding medical waste in residential areas or public collection systems like sewers is illegal. Not complying with these rules can lead to fines, legal action, or criminal persecution.

2. Store Waste Properly

Properly storing biohazardous and medical waste is crucial for safety, and you should keep them away from public access areas. You should also clearly label containers for collecting according to local, state, or federal regulations. Moreover, you should store medical waste in waterproof containers marked with the Biohazard symbol and keep them away from combustible materials.

Additionally, you should separate biohazardous waste from regular trash and dumpsters. Maintain appropriate temperatures, for example refrigerated conditions for infectious agents, to prevent potential exposure to hazardous materials.

3. Use the Right Medical Waste Removal Methods

You should carefully dispose of biohazardous waste to avoid exposure to other people and protect your staff and patients. Anything exposed to a biological substance classifies as biohazardous trash. Anything originating from a medical facility, such as needles and bandages, is considered medical waste.

How to Create an Internal Waste Management Program

Your healthcare business’s internal waste management program should include identifying types of services, tracking systems, assessing equipment needs, establishing procedures, providing training, adhering to guidelines and local ordinances, and taking additional security measures. You should also follow applicable disinfection protocols, use outside resources, and label containers properly before transport. An internal plan will also help reduce the cost of medical waste disposal.

4 Common Methods for Medical Waste Removal

After enumerating some crucial tips, here are four methods healthcare businesses use for disposing of medical waste.

1. Autoclave Sterilization

Autoclave sterilization uses extreme heat and pressure to kill all bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms on an object or surface. Healthcare businesses use this medical waste removal method to sterilize medical tools, equipment and other laboratory materials. Examples of these items include spills, cultures and gloves.

2. Chemical Treatment 

Chemical treatment means using chemicals like bleach or formaldehyde to disinfect items. It only works for smaller objects because using large amounts of these agents can be dangerous.

3. Incineration

Incineration is a medical waste removal method that involves burning materials to ash by exposing them to high temperatures. It’s usually the safest way to eliminate potentially hazardous materials. This is because it renders them inert and stops them from contaminating other materials or living things.

4. Landfills 

Government agencies monitor and regulate landfills to ensure that healthcare businesses dispose of medical waste properly. These sites should meet specific standards like having a certain volume limit, a waterproof liner system, and a water disinfection system.

“This is to protect the environment and ensure efficient disposal.

Why Is Proper Medical Waste Removal Essential?

Proper disposal of medical waste is essential to reduce the spread of diseases and protect everyone from exposure.


Running a medical business goes beyond distributing high-quality products to the public. You must also learn the proper medical waste removal techniques to protect the environment and your company.

If you need professional medical waste removal in New England, call United Medical Waste Management! We are the region’s largest independently owned provider of regulated services. Contact us now, and let’s help you responsibly dispose of your medical waste!