Bloodborne Pathogens Training
Bloodborne Pathogens training is of utmost importance for small businesses to ensure the safety and health of their employees. Improper infection control and exposure to blood or other body fluids can result in sharps injury or diseases such as Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Hepatitis B. This can occur in many industries, including healthcare, tattoo parlors, and cleaning services.
By providing Bloodborne Pathogens compliance training, employees will be educated on the risks associated with post exposure and how to prevent it. This training also covers the proper handling and disposal of blood and other potentially infectious materials (opim), reducing the risk of contamination to other individuals and the environment.
By investing in Bloodborne Pathogens compliance training, you are actively protecting your employees, clients, and the reputation of your business.

Bloodborne Pathogens Training Course Curriculum
This module will provide an overview of bloodborne pathogens and the risks associated with exposure to them. You will learn about the common pathogens that can be transmitted through human blood and other bodily fluids and the consequences of exposure to these pathogens.
This module will cover the work practice controls that must be implemented to reduce the risk of exposure to bloodborne pathogens. You will learn about the importance of proper hand hygiene, the use of personal protective equipment, and the steps that should be taken in the event of an exposure incident.
This module will provide an in-depth overview of OSHA's Bloodborne Pathogens Standard, which is the federal regulation that governs the handling and disposal of medical waste. You will learn about the requirements of the standard and the steps that must be taken to comply with it.
This module will cover the proper management and disposal of medical waste. You will learn about the various categories of medical waste, the requirements for packaging and labeling, and the procedures for transporting and disposing of medical waste.
This module will cover the various engineering controls that can be implemented to reduce the risk of exposure to bloodborne pathogens. You will learn about the use of safety devices, such as sharps containers and safety needles, and the importance of proper waste disposal.
This module will cover the recordkeeping and training requirements associated with the handling and disposal of medical waste. You will learn about the importance of maintaining accurate records, conducting regular training sessions, and ensuring that all employees are aware of the risks associated with bloodborne pathogens.