How to Determine Where to Dispose of Each Type of Waste

Waste management is an important part of ensuring a healthy and safe environment. The types of waste that exist and how to remove them vary greatly depending on the source and location of the waste generation.

For example, household waste is typically composed of items like food scraps, paper, plastic, metal, and glass, whereas industrial waste might include hazardous materials, such as chemicals and heavy metals. In this article, we will explore the different types of waste and how to properly dispose of them.


What are the 6 Types of Waste?

Organic Waste

Organic waste generally consists of food scraps, yard waste, and other biodegradable materials. This type of waste can be composted, which involves breaking down the material into a nutrient-rich soil amendment. Composting is an environmentally protective way to reduce waste and improve soil quality. Additionally, organic waste can also be recycled into biogas, which is a renewable energy source.

Inorganic Waste

Inorganic waste is composed of materials such as glass, metal, plastic, and paper. This type of waste can be recycled, which involves sorting the materials into categories and sending them to a recycling center. Recycling reduces the amount of waste sent to landfills and reduces the need for new materials to be produced.

Hazardous Waste

Hazardous waste is composed of materials that can be harmful to the environment and human health. This type of waste includes industrial waste, such as chemicals, heavy metals, and liquids. Proper disposal of hazardous waste involves using specially designed containers and labels, as well as taking appropriate safety precautions such as using chemical safety data sheets.

Liquid Waste

Liquid waste is composed of wastewater and other liquid materials. This type of waste is often created by industrial processes and can be highly toxic. Proper disposal of liquid waste involves treatment and filtration to remove contaminants. Treatment can involve physical, chemical, and biological processes.

Solid Waste

Solid waste is composed of things like paper, plastic, glass, metal, and food waste. This type of waste is typically generated by households and businesses.

Proper disposal of solid waste involves sorting and recycling whenever possible. Moreover, it is important to find a way to dispose of waste that is safe and sustainable. This can involve composting, incineration, or landfill disposal.


Recyclables are materials that can be reused and repurposed. Common recyclable materials include paper, plastic, glass, metal, and cardboard. Proper disposal of recyclables involves sorting and separating the materials for collection. This material can then be taken to a recycling center where it can be processed and reused.


The Best Waste Disposal Methods for Each Waste Type


Composting is a method of disposing of organic waste, such as food scraps and yard trimmings, by breaking it down naturally into a nutrient-rich soil amendment. Composting can be done in a backyard or a commercial composting facility. This method of waste disposal is beneficial because it reduces the amount of waste going to landfills and produces a nutrient-rich soil amendment that can be used to improve the soil quality of gardens and farms.


Incineration is a method of eliminating waste that involves burning waste materials at high temperatures. This method is beneficial because it reduces the amount of waste going to landfills, and it also produces energy that can be used to generate electricity. However, incineration can produce air pollution, so it is important to ensure that the facility is properly managed and monitored to minimize the risk of pollution.

Landfill Disposal

Landfill disposal is a method of waste disposal that involves burying the waste in an area that has been designated for this purpose. This method is beneficial because it reduces the amount of waste going to other disposal methods. However, it can also produce air and water pollution if not managed properly.


Recycling is a method of waste disposal that involves collecting, sorting, and processing materials for reuse. This method is beneficial because it reduces the amount of waste going to other disposal methods, and it also reduces the need for new materials to be produced. Furthermore, recycling can help to reduce energy consumption and pollution.


Waste management is a major global issue that needs to be addressed. Different types of waste such as hazardous, biomedical, electronic, agricultural, and domestic waste need to be managed properly to ensure a safe and healthy environment.

Proper waste management involves collecting waste in the correct containers, disposing of it in an approved facility, and recycling it where possible. Individuals need to be aware of the types of waste and the associated risks and take the necessary steps to properly dispose of it to reduce its environmental impact.

Government agencies need to continue to focus on developing effective waste management policies and regulations to ensure compliance and reduce the amount of waste that is ultimately produced.

If you need help with hazardous waste disposal, contact United Medical Waste Management. We are New England’s largest independently owned provider of regulated waste services.